Personal Log: December

Computer, begin recording. Even this far away from the rhythms of Earth, it always seems like December is a busier month than all…

IDIC: Earth Celebrations of Light

Greetings STARFLEET, Wintertime is a whirlwind of activities and family events. Some of them may still be virtual this year, while others moved…

IDIC: Greenwashing and Its Consequences

Greetings STARFLEET, Today’s topic is something that has popped up in our lifetime but has become much more prevalent in recent years: greenwashing.…

IDIC: What is a Dog Whistle?

Greetings STARFLEET, Today’s post is about something we may all be familiar with. Dog whistles have both a literal and figurative meaning. The…

Personal Log: Historical Review

Computer, begin recording. File in personal research logs. The algorithm I have combing the historical databases turned up another interesting record. This one…

IDIC: What is a Microaggression?

Greetings STARFLEET, In our quest to support a more inclusive environment, today’s discussion is on microaggressions. This common word gets thrown around a…

Personal Log: Historical Review

Computer, begin recording. File in personal research logs. So, they’ve added more recovered data from the 20th century to the database recently. My…

IDIC: The Truth About Statistics

Greetings STARFLEET, Today’s topic for IDIC is statistics. These days, statistics are everywhere and used in all mediums of communication. Unfortunately, they’re also…

IDIC: Inspiration Porn

Greetings STARFLEET, Today’s topic is something seen every day, and it’s often viewed in a positive light. It crosses everyone’s eyes on social…